Sometimes you are hit with a number that makes you stop and think. In this case, it is the number 99.991% which I just calculated today. What is this magic number you ask?
99.991% is the percentage of how many orders our customer service team entered and processed correctly in the month of October. In football running back terms, this equates to fumbling the ball just three times every three thousand carries.
Those numbers handily surpass the record of former NFL great and Hall of Fame running back, Jerome Bettis! For those of you “youngsters” who don’t know the name, Jerome Bettis, aka “The Bus,” retired in 2006 from the Pittsburgh Steelers after winning Super Bowl XL. His legs never stopped moving when he carried the ball. He finished his career with a paltry 38 fumbles in 3,479 attempts. That computes to his carrying the ball 99.98% of the time without fumbling. He was awesome!
How did the Jeffrey Court customer service team execute such “Bus-Like” excellence? Simple stuff…
1) Experience 2) Passion 3) Teamwork and 4) ALWAYS have two hands on the ball
Our customer service team has been at Jeffrey Court a combined 45 years. The longest tenure goes to Raul Castro, who has been here for 15 years. I think he started on his 18th birthday. These folks know their job and they do it well.

The team has developed a great internal playbook. Each customer service rep is teamed up with another to double check orders for accuracy against the purchase order before it goes out to the warehouse to be picked and packed. They routinely cover for each other on the phone, during breaks, and when on vacations. They are a great example of people working together to advance the team down the field.
Our entire team is passionate about our products and our customers. When I buzz through the customer service department and do a bit of eavesdropping, I hear snippets of phone conversations about Chapter 2 and 16. I hear chat about the kids and grandkids, weekend soccer games, intense gymnastics competitions, banter about the Dallas Cowboys, laughter, and goodwill. Hearing them on the phone with our customers reminds me over and over that business is not just about tile and stone.
We recently celebrated the customer service milestone of 99.991% with gift cards all the way around to help get a jump on that holiday shopping. I am definitely a fan of this team. I hope you are too.
As always, thanks for the business.
Frank Toms
VP Sales & Marketing